Tuff Foot – This product isn’t available right now.


Whether your dog needs to assist in the hunt, pull a sled, search through rubble, or just hang out in the yard TUFF FOOT can keep his sensitive paws and pads in excellent condition. TUFF-FOOT will toughen and protect soft, sore and tender paws and pads on your dog. TUFF-FOOT has been shown to aid…

SKU: Tuff Foot


Whether your dog needs to assist in the hunt, pull a sled, search through rubble, or just hang out in the yard
TUFF FOOT can keep his sensitive paws and pads in excellent condition. TUFF-FOOT will toughen and protect soft, sore and tender paws and pads on your dog. TUFF-FOOT has been shown to aid in the healing of sore paws and pads, cut pads, and bruises often having remarkable results within a few days. TUFF-FOOT also prevents cracking and bleeding of your dog’s pads. Tuff-Foot’s pad toughening formula contains no harmful chemicals and is safe for your dog to lick his foot.

Directions: Apply to the foot and allow too completely dry.

Use daily preferably at night until feet are in good condition, then twice a week.

Use on all domestic animals and humans.


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7 oz.